Printing/Typing Scholarship Applications

INSTRUCTIONS: All scholarships have been created to be downloaded and typed in.

1. - Open the scholarship application.

2. - Click on the pop-out box (top right box with a diagonal arrow in it)

3. - Open in Docs. File / Make a copy for you to type in. Only type in your copy.

4. - Save as you go.

5. - If they ask for class rank, put n/a.

If you need a scholarship printed, please come to the counseling office, we would be happy to print the scholarship for you.

The Uniform Scholarship Application, once ready, will be in two parts - Part 1 for the application itself and Part 2 for the Additional Requirements Information Letter (ARIL) for each scholarship you are applying for. All scholarships using the Uniform Application will have an Additional Requirement Information Letter. All Uniform Applications are due on the date on the Uniform Application. ARIL's may have the wrong due date.

Be sure to check here periodically for additional scholarship opportunities and for Additional Requirement Information Letters for the Uniform Scholarship.